How She Code Africa Cohort helped me overcome Imposter Syndrome

Esther Jolugba
3 min readMar 25, 2020


Imposter Syndrome is a big joke,it plays tricks on us and most times we fall for it,Know your worth and then ask for it,no one will ever pay you your worth.

Self confidence over Imposter Syndrome.

Impostor syndrome is the experience of feeling like a phony as though at any moment you are going to be found out as a fraud or that you don’t belong where you are.It’s feeling like an impostor when you’re not.

Everyone feels it at some point in their professional life: I’m a fraud and everyone is about to find out. It’s healthy to question your own qualifications and take pause, but then you need to find a way to move forward and regain your confidence.

I bring you the story of how I overcame Imposter Syndrome.It all started with my keen interest in Android development.I was so excited about my new found love for programming ,I told some of my friends about it,a couple of them said It is overwhelming and I might just give up soon,I told them I will do just great and will prove them wrong.

Over 3 months into Android Development I expanded my network by connecting with lots of Android developers,most of them were more experienced than I was.I started feeling so Intimidated when they talk about the different tools,libraries they use,I felt for a while my friend was right I’m not ready for this.I was so scared of asking questions because I felt I was going to be found out as fraud.

I decided to Join She Code Africa Cohort.She Code Africa Cohort is a program where experienced mentors in several Technologies are paired with mentees that are eager to learn.I met different people like me who just got started and also met with experience mentors who put us through the path in becoming better in android development.Few weeks into the program I discovered I was not a fraud after all ,I Just did not know enough about Android development.

I will like to share what I learnt and how I overcame Imposter syndrome:

  1. Accept that you have some role in your success: You would not have gone far without your effort.
  2. Remember getting bugs does not make you a fraud, apparently experienced developers have bugs too.
  3. Realize that when you hold back, you are robbing the world of your skills.
  4. Be with people who encourage you and not people that bring you down.
  5. Realize you are constantly changing and not the same person you were few days back
  6. Have an active community,and stay active .
  7. Learn to ask questions.
  8. Remember how and why you got here in the first place.
  9. See credentials as they are: experienced developers have some years of experience ahead of you, so comparing yourself with them will be too harsh on you.

One very good way of stopping the feeling is to stop thinking like an Imposter.

Thanks for reading to the end,I hope you enjoyed the story.

