The Art of Organizing: A Guide to the Best Folder Structure in Node.js

Abhinav Yadav
2 min readAug 16, 2023



When it comes to developing applications in Node.js, one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is how to structure your project’s folders. An organized folder structure not only enhances your development process but also makes your codebase more maintainable, scalable, and readable. In this guide, we’ll delve into the best practices for creating a folder structure that promotes modularity, clarity, and efficiency in your Node.js projects.

The Importance of a Good Folder Structure:

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s understand why a proper folder structure is essential for Node.js projects:

1. Modularity: A well-organized structure encourages modularity, allowing you to break your application into smaller, manageable components. This promotes code reusability and eases collaboration among developers.

2. Readability: A logical structure makes it easier for developers (including your future self) to find and understand different parts of the application. This enhances the maintainability of the codebase.

3. Scalability: As your project grows, a good folder structure accommodates new features and components without causing confusion or chaos.

4. Testing and Debugging: Organized code is easier to test and debug, as issues can be isolated to specific modules.

Best Practices for Folder Structure:

1. Separation of Concerns: Divide your application into distinct modules based on their functionalities. Common divisions include routes, controllers, models, services, and middleware.

2. Use the “src” Directory: Place your main application code within a “src” (source) directory. This keeps the root directory clean and provides a clear separation between the source code and other assets.

3. Group by Feature: Organize your codebase by grouping related files together. For instance, if you have a “user” feature, create a “user” directory containing all related routes, controllers, models, and other relevant files.

4. Keep Third-Party Libraries Separate: Store third-party libraries and dependencies in a “node_modules” directory at the root level.

5. Configuration and Environment Variables: Create a dedicated “config” directory to store configuration files, environment variables, and any settings specific to your application.

6. Tests and Documentation: Place test files in a separate “tests” or “spec” directory. Additionally, consider having a “docs” directory for project documentation.

7. Static Assets:Store static assets such as images, stylesheets, and client-side JavaScript files in a “public” or “static” directory.

Example Folder Structure:

Here’s a simplified example of a well-structured Node.js project:

| - src/
| | - routes/
| | - controllers/
| | - models/
| | - services/
| | - middleware/
| - config/
| - public/
| - tests/
| - docs/
| - node_modules/
| - package.json
| - server.js


A well-thought-out folder structure is the backbone of a successful Node.js project. By following best practices and organizing your codebase in a modular and readable manner, you’ll set yourself up for smoother development, easier maintenance, and greater scalability.

Remember, while the example structure provided is a starting point, every project is unique. Adapt the structure to fit your project’s specific requirements and the preferences of your development team. With a solid folder structure in place, you’ll be on your way to building robust and maintainable Node.js applications. Happy coding!

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Abhinav Yadav

Backend Developer (Node.js) || MERN Stack || ReactJS || DSA || MongoDB || Problem Solver