Folks Deserve Better

July 18, 2016

Senator Jon Tester
3 min readJul 18, 2016


Every day I’m proud to represent Montanans in the Senate and work with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to deliver real solutions for our state despite the politics, gridlock, and dysfunction.

Over the last few months I teamed up with Senators across the aisle to author the Veterans First Act, which addresses many of the issues veterans are having with the Choice Program, so we can get them access to the care they deserve.

I also joined a bipartisan group of Senators to move budget bills forward that strengthen our economy and national security while investing in education, health care, and infrastructure.

And I have sided with the majority of Montanans who want the Senate to hold a hearing on Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland, so folks can find out if he is fit to serve on the highest court in the land.

That is why I am frustrated and disappointed that so many members of Congress are once again putting themselves before the folks they represent by taking a seven-week vacation from the jobs they’ve been elected to do.

It is unacceptable that at a time when folks are concerned about national security and growing our economy, the Majority in the House and Senate have chosen to take one of the longest recesses in years.

In fact, this Congress is scheduled to spend the fewest days in session than any other Congress in over 60 years.

Their decision to leave Washington for the rest of the summer will have negative impacts across the country.

They have failed to support the Land and Water Conservation Fund for hunters and anglers, and they ignored efforts to provide additional resources to combat wildfires.

That is not all.

As Zika continues to spread across the United States, the House and Senate failed to put politics aside and craft a bipartisan solution to combat the spread of Zika.

But what frustrates me the most is that they left without passing my Veterans First Act, a bipartisan bill that our rural veterans need in order get timely access to healthcare.

One Republican Senator continues to stand between millions of veterans across the nation and the care they deserve, and his colleagues in the Senate aren’t doing a thing about it.

Folks deserve more from their government.

So over the summer I will keep working to turn up the heat on these members so when we come back we can get these solutions across the finish line.

I will be traveling across Montana over the next seven weeks, hearing from Montanans, and collaborating with folks who understand the challenges we are facing.

I will keep working with you, listening to you, and together we’ll get things done for our state. Working together is the only way we are going to break through this gridlock.



Senator Jon Tester

Senator Jon Tester is a third-generation Montana farmer, a proud grandfather and a former school teacher. He is the senior U.S. Senator from Montana.