How Big Data is Taking a Bite Outta Crime

Jonah Engler
2 min readNov 16, 2015


The rise of Big Data has led to a revolution which is making huge, positive impacts across multiple industries such as healthcare, manufacturing and sales. Even law enforcement is now using Big Data to take a bite outta crime, it’s true. Check this out.

When data is sparse or apparently disconnected, investigators use data science to connect the dots that traditional police work could not even see. When a criminal gang is on the move, committing a series of crimes in multiple states, how can investigators know the crimes are connected? By crunching data that create connections and predicts actions in a way even the most experienced human mind could not manage.

In some cases, crimes — particularly those committed in disparate states — may seem disconnected, but agencies have been able to find connections and determine some of these actions were committed by a single organized crime syndicate. It sounds like a plot right out of a modern crime novel, but it’s real life … and it’s happening right now.

Big Data science also fosters better communication and coordination between disparate law enforcement agencies. While city and county officials sometimes find it difficult to stay in touch, imagine the hurdles that hinder inter-state criminal investigations. Well, when all those agencies are sharing the data using Big Data tech, those hurdles disappear.

Detectives sharing data can use analysis to compare similar clues, securing or eliminating evidence and getting closer to nabbing the suspect.
With all the success it enjoys right out of the gate, it’s clear that data-driven crime prevention is becoming the wave of the future. As more agencies continue to implement these proven tools, criminals will have fewer and fewer places to run … and absolutely nowhere to hide.

And that’s a good thing, because, without this technology, the problems facing investigators get exponentially worse every time a suspect crosses into another jurisdiction. You can bet the criminals are VERY aware of this. Organized gangs can flit from county to county and state to state, dodging the cops and confusing investigators with waves of crime that come seemingly from nowhere and disappear just as quickly.

Fraud and petit theft are two prime ways these criminals victimize people before moving on to less wary targets in other areas. By the time victims get the word out and law enforcement warns the neighbors, the bad guys are long gone. Until now, the ability to track, chase and catch these crooks was limited to manpower and the resources of various agencies. Now, with Big Data sharing some of the heavy lifting, cops can dedicate more time to managing the leads and tightening the net.

Jonah Engler is a financial expert who loves technology.

