Uber Taxis Outnumbering NYC’s Yellow Cabs in 2015

Jonah Engler
2 min readMar 23, 2015


Uber is changing the way people move around in areas across the United States and beyond. While this unique personal transportation startup was only recently founded in 2009, it already has achieved incredible success through its popularity, reach and impact on society as a whole. In fact, its reach has become so significant that it now has a greater overall presence in New York City than the yellow taxi cabs.

What Is Uber?

Uber essentially provides you with the ability to get picked up from any location and taken in a private car to your destination. You do not have to call or hail a cab. Instead, you use a mobile app on your smart phone to request and pay for the service. A driver who has been thoroughly screened by Uber will pick you up in a safe, late model vehicle to take you to your destination. Rates fluctuate based on demand for Uber drivers at the time, and service is friendly and reliable. Uber customers can even save money by carpooling with others who are traveling on or close to their same route.

How Uber is Changing New York City?

Recently, the Taxi and Limousine Commission has announced that the number of Uber vehicles in New York City has surpassed the number of taxi cabs serving Big Apple customers. In fact, there are currently more than 500 more Uber vehicles than taxis in this area. The local government has announced that it is seeking a moratorium on adding new Uber vehicles to the area until studies can be conducted on how Uber is impacting traffic flow, pollution and more. While the city government has shown signs of concern about Uber, the popularity of Uber is undeniable. This is a fast, reliable way to get to a destination. The rates are competitive, which is a finance benefit for consumers. Plus, Uber drivers will even travel beyond areas where taxis do not, such as to the suburbs and other outlying areas.

Whether you are interested in saving money on your NYC finance situation with affordable transportation or you want a more convenient way to travel, Uber may be the ideal choice for you. If you have not yet experienced Uber, you may consider downloading the app and signing up for a ride the next time you have a transportation need so that you can experience the Uber difference for yourself.

Jonah Engler is a successful entrepreneur, investor, franchise owner and coffee lover who hails from New York City.

