3 Things You Need to Know Before Joining Equinox

While the ultra-trendy gym has made waves in the fitness community, one question still remains: Is it worth the hype?


Equinox carries a rather mysterious aura.

It’s a brand that evokes money, sex, and fame, where celebrities frequent and extravagance is subtly massaged into every detail. From an outsider looking in, Equinox has always sounded like an expensive club for the elite. Members rave about the gyms motivating atmosphere and luxurious amenities, with the general vibe oozing inspiration.

But I have always remained skeptical about the gym’s “bang for your buck”.

I mean a 30lb dumbbell is a 30lb dumbbell. How could this possibly be worth such a high price point? Still, I was going off of lore and brief walk-bys…

And then it happened.

“Hey, do you want to use my guest pass Saturday?”

I was in.

Dissecting The Equinox Experience

We worked out at the Anthem Row spot in Washington, D.C. It is a relatively new location that opened in the Fall of 2019. My girlfriend, who graciously offered me one of her two yearly guest passes, has…



Jonah Malin

Words that perform like Joaquin, sing like Celine, get remembered like Dean, & ooze tigers blood like Sheen.