After ChatGPT, internal communications will never be the same again. Here is why.

Jonas Bladt Hansen
10 min readDec 10, 2022

By now, you might have heard of a new robot called “ChatGPT”. Like many others, I wanted to see what ChatGPT is capable of. Specifically, I wanted to find out what ChatGPT could do for internal communication professionals.

I have been playing with it since it was launched on Wednesday, November 30, 2022. I must admit that this is the most groundbreaking technology I have seen in many years.

It’s both fascinating and scary. In Elon Musks’ own words: “ChatGPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI.”

“Scary good”, is what I believe many will think after spending some hours with ChatGPT.

A few words about AI tools

Here’s a quick update if you have yet to follow what’s been going on in the AI space lately.

In recent years, many AI assistants have seen the light of day. My first meeting with an AI assistant was Crystal Knows, who both fascinated and scared me by offering a DISC personality profile on every person on LinkedIn — just based on what people write about themselves, how they…



Jonas Bladt Hansen

Connecting bright minds and helping organisations create inspiring workplaces. Co-founder of and Partner at