How newsletters have become one of the most annoying marketing tools

Jonas Bladt Hansen
5 min readMay 12, 2020

I am tired of newsletters. I am tired of people telling me that building a newsletter email list is a sure way to get business.

I have done some research, and I’ve found that for every dollar you put into newsletter marketing you can get 44 $ in return.

What a great business case!

And what a great way to annoy a lot of people.

Who cares, if you can make 44 $ out of every 1$ you spend, right? And — by the way — these annoyed people (like me) signed up for the show a long time ago when they wanted that 15 % discount!

I’ve never been good at math, but my calculator tells me that if you have 22 727, 27 $ to spend, you could become the next newsletter marketing millionaire. Unfortunately, I think that this kind of ROI thinking has put the newsletter close to the “spam” mail category.

So, in this blog, I will share my thoughts on why newsletters have ended up annoying us rather than helping us and what businesses should do instead!

A newsletter can be a great way to annoy your most loyal followers.

I just unsubscribed from a newsletter from one of the people who has been a great inspiration to me in recent years…



Jonas Bladt Hansen

Connecting bright minds and helping organisations create inspiring workplaces. Co-founder of and Partner at