The Enigma of Love

Jonas Stepanik
3 min readFeb 6, 2023


Love is hella weird.

Hopefully, at one point in your life, you get to the conviction that you genuinely feel love for something. Be it a person, an object, an idea, some higher power, etc. And hopefully, that point of realization happened sometime in your childhood. The crazy thing is, even if you recall for you now, that you had such a moment or such a, I will carefully call it, knowledge, can you explain love? Furthermore, can you understand love?

I bet you can’t. I bet no one can. It’s a mystery. When you say “I love you” and you genuinely mean it, you say it because you feel it. It somehow feels right. It makes sense. That term “making sense” hints at something. It’s like you have an inert sensor of love. You don’t have to lay out a specific formula, asking yourself yes and no questions to eventually evaluate whether you love or not. It’s not like that. You sense it when it’s there.

There are moments when, suddenly and without warning, the gnosis of love becomes present.

Gnosis is a word that refers to a deeper, more intuitive type of knowledge. It’s different from regular knowledge, which is usually based on facts and evidence. Gnosis is often seen as a personal, spiritual understanding that comes from within and is not limited by ordinary perception. So while regular knowledge is more objective and factual, gnosis is more subjective and focused on personal growth and self-discovery.

Often times though that gnosis is relative and subjective. You might love at one point but as time goes on, maybe you love something else, you realize in retrospect that your love wasn’t as real as it is now, it wasn’t as pure as it is now. Though at both points you had that gnosis of love. That simply shows that love is not that kind of construct four simple letters “l-o-v-e” could express. True love is boundless and most importantly love is not simply an emotion. Love goes beyond that. You can feel it when you start to deeply listen to yourself when you love on one hand and feel joy, hate, anger, and entertainment on the other. You feel how the latter are really bodily type of expressions. The deeper you go on trying to understand love the further away you get from the definition of an emotion.

Love really is that deep connection to our true beingness. No wonder you often hear love being equated with god because love expresses that unconditionality we associate with divine power. Love can also be expressed with the idea of deep deep deep trust. Think about how extraordinary a power that is. You trust in something you can’t control, you can’t truly know, because the only thing we seemingly, truly know is ourselves. That illusion of our separate selves. Love surpasses that. In that way, you connect to that Divine Absolute, that divine power.

Love is not just a feeling, it’s a force that penetrates through our souls, connecting us to the very essence of our being. It’s a mystery that we can never fully understand, but one that we should cherish and embrace. For in the depths of love, we touch the divine and experience a connection to something greater than ourselves.

