NASA prepares to launch PREFIRE mission to study earth’s Polar region.

Jonathan Jeshua
3 min readMay 22, 2024

The primary goal of Nasa’s PREFIRE mission is to investigate the amount of heat radiated from Earth’s polar regions into space and its impact on the global climate.

Image source NASA

NASA is preparing to launch its latest mission, the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE), on May 22(today). The mission will deploy twin shoebox-sized climate satellites to study the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

What are the objectives of Nasa’s PREFIRE mission?

The main objective of the PREFIRE mission is to investigate the amoun of heat being emitted from Earth’s polar regions into space and how it affects the global climate. Within these frigid areas, 60% of the heat emissions take place at far-infrared wavelengths, which are longer than 15 micrometres.

At present, there is a lack of comprehensive data regarding the precise locations in the Arctic and Antarctic where heat is being released, as stated by NASA. PREFIRE seeks to address this information gap by offering in-depth insights into the emission of far-infrared heat by snow, sea ice, and the impact of clouds on this radiation.

Every PREFIRE CubeSat will come with a thermal infrared spectrometer for the purpose of measuring far-infrared energy emitted from the Earth’s surface and atmosphere out into space. This cost-effective platform, in contrast to larger satellites, has been created to address important inquiries regarding far-infrared heat emissions from the polar regions.

Understanding thermal dissipation in polar regions.

Comprehensive knowledge of polar heat loss is crucial for grasping the Arctic’s significant impact on Earth’s climate regulation. With only 40 per cent of Arctic energy emissions accurately measured, it is imperative to delve deeper into the mechanisms behind the region’s heat loss to explain its disproportionate warming compared to the global average. PREFIRE’s research on this heat exchange will provide valuable insights into polar ice loss, as well as its consequences on sea level rise and sea ice depletion.

Impact of Nasa’s PREFIRE satellites on climate models.

The CubeSats are scheduled to be positioned in asynchronous, near-polar orbits, enabling them to intersect over the Arctic and Antarctica regions, where they will measure thermal infrared radiation. The data collected during the PREFIRE mission will contribute to a better comprehension of the greenhouse effect at the poles, with a particular focus on the influence of water vapor, clouds, and other atmospheric components in retaining heat. The refinement of climate models resulting from this research will result in more precise forecasts regarding the intensity, frequency, coastal erosion, and flooding associated with storms.

The data collected will be utilized by researchers to improve climate and ice models, thereby enhancing predictions of sea level, weather patterns, and changes in ice cover in a warming world. The PREFIRE data will be made available to the public through Nasa’s Atmospheric Science Data Center, enabling both researchers and the general public to derive benefits from the mission’s discoveries.



Jonathan Jeshua

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