How to automate CI for any iOS Project

Jonathan Samudio
5 min readDec 26, 2018

Any why every project should have it

Travis CI Build Log

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of merging all new code back into the main branch. The goal is to maintain a buildable main branch and limit bugs through the use of unit tests.

Sounds like a good idea right? What if I told you we can know when our code is going to break something before we actually merge something?

Automated CI Build Services

Services such as Travis CI, Circle CI, and Bitrise can automate the CI process. They allow custom builds that can run every time you create a new Pull Request.

CI build services use a dedicated virtual machine to build a project. By creating a fresh instance of a computer, the build service can limit unknown variables. Something as simple as which version of Xcode a system is using can impact the outcome of the build.

For this post, we chose Travis CI as our CI build service of choice. They allow free CI builds for open source projects and integrates well with Github.


A GitHub account is necessary to sync with Travis CI. Once activated, public repositories from Github are able to sync with…



Jonathan Samudio

A Mobile Engineer that has a passion for building things