Volcanoes and crater lakes in South Australia

Jonathan Blake
4 min readApr 16, 2019
Blue Lake in Mount Gambier

Adventures off the tourist trail in Australia

Mount Gambier was formed by volcanoes. The craters left behind by these ancient volcanoes have become tranquil and beautiful lakes. This small town is also home to sinkholes and subterranean river systems.

Mount Gambier lies at the far southern tip of South Australia. It is almost unknown on the tourist trail, and barely mentioned in even the thickest travel guides to Australia. Yet Mount Gambier and its stunning natural features are unique in the world.

The superstar of the crater lakes is named Blue Lake. It’s apt, because during the summer months from December to March, the lake is a deep, intense blue.

For the rest of the year from April to November, Blue Lake changes back to an unremarkable grey colour.

A blue lake might not sound amazing — but this one is. Normally a blue body of water gets its colour from the water reflecting the sky in sunny conditions. Blue Lake in Mount Gambier is different. The colour is intrinsic to the lake rather than dependent on environmental conditions, so its vivid blue colour holds true…

