Random Roundup #2

Jonathan Berkowitz
3 min readFeb 13, 2017


The Woah!: You know how you and I download our apps through either Google Play or the App Store? Yeah, well not in Cuba.
Internet connection in the country is so sparse, expensive and slow that locals have turned to downloading their apps at brick and mortar stores — through a cable!

The Watch: You know those Documentaries that “speak to you on a spiritual level?”
Nah, neither do I, but I imagine those people mean the way I felt watching Minimalism — A Documentary About The Important Things.
Inspiring, eye-opening and incredibly interesting.
Basically, I now want to live in a micro apartment, own only 4 shirts and actually do something with my life.

The Open-Source Uber: Don’t get me wrong, I love Uber. In fact, I’m not really sure what we did before it… Actually paying cash and calling our cabs? What a terrible system!
But, Uber is a world-eating and beating company. “The Man”, if you will.
If I learned one thing from the Hippies, it is to revolt against The Man.
Enter LibreTaxi — the free and open source alternative to Uber/Lyft.
It gets rid of The (middle) Man to connect the people who need rides to those that have them to give. Plus, it’s got a .org domain, so you know they’re good guys.
It’s an interesting model and I’m bullish on open-source but concerned that it’ll all be a bit lawless. I suppose that’s the whole idea behind it.
After all “Libre” does mean free. (Thanks Duolingo for making me seem smart just there.)

The Cool: French presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon kicked off his campaign by hologram!
Times like these remind me that we’re living in the future.

The Tip: Grammarly
The only reason I don’t have way more spelling mistakes and somewhat understandable sentences. (Pretty sure I missed the it’s/its lesson in school though…)
Download this Free software and leave your grammar woes behind.

The Nice: Greenlight — A debit card for kids.
This Atlanta-based company is doing things differently and it’s awesome to see. They’re basically giving back parents control over how their kids spend the money they give them.
Gone are the days of saying you’re going to the movies but buying cigarettes instead.
It’s great to see an app for kids executed so well and get such a positive reception.
Makes me hopeful for what we’re building over at Captain Calm.
Viva la kiddos!


The look what I did: Cards against Humanity: South African Version.
I launched this on Wednesday night and it’s gone absolutely bonkers. Quite nice to finally go viral.
Since Cards Against Humanity is under a Creative Commons License, this is totally legal and very fun. This is not-for-profit project. About time we got to play an SA themed version. As they say, “local is lekker.”
Some others have dedicated their time to jump on board to help make it a reality We’re trying to make this a game for all South Africans, by all South Africans.
Go take a look here and please send around.
We’re trying to get as many different people to submit their ideas for cards as possible. That way, it’ll be fun, fair and applicable to all.
I, with some others, are simply co-ordinating this project.

Until next week,
Au revoir

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