100 days of pushups — on resolve in 2018

jonathan bowden
2 min readJan 11, 2018


I’m not big on new year’s resolutions. We all know they don’t work, right?

So what are you supposed to do? The new year is a special moment, no matter what anyone tells you. A fresh start. A clean slate.

I’m a goal setter. I love the process. I have often made goals for… 1 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 15 /25 / and 50 years. Aren’t many of them unreal? Sure. But I LOVE randomly finding them in past notebooks, and seeing that I have actually met many of them, like moving back to ColoRADo.

In the past, I have done many 100 day challenges. I would always choose a few buckets to accomplish. 500 miles ran. 1500 miles on the bike. 1000 burpees. And this wasn’t limited to fitness goals. But, I’ll spare you my personal life details.

While these were spawned out of good intentions, I have found that I often bit off more than I could realistically chew. Instead of 2 or 3 buckets. I often had 8 buckets, with mixed results.

So for 2018, I made one bucket: Do 100 pushups for 100 days straight. That’s it.

I started off well. Then I went on a business trip, and I forgot to finish a few days. Now here’s the kicker…

Do I just give up, because there were a few days I didn’t hit 100? I have often taken this route in the past. But not in 2018! I made up the previous days pushups the next day.

I’m 11 days in, and still on schedule. I may not have 100 perfect days, but I WILL have 100 good days.

What’s your resolve for 2018?



jonathan bowden

Son / husband / father / designer / inquisitor / neighbor / explorer