Hesitation Destroys Trust & Leadership

Jonathan Cawte
3 min readJul 10, 2017

The executive who feels in control of their body feels indestructible. Executives are used to pursuing this feeling in the boardroom, but they approach exercise as thought it’s all investment and no payoff.

This is the wrong attitude.

The tremendous feeling of pride and accomplishment that come with a solved business problem are identical to those that come with a new physical accomplishment.

Exercise is not just about going through the point of no return and going harder and harder still. It’s a practice skill and its not just about physical commitment. It’s about work commitment. It’s one of the elements of leadership. If employees see any wavering in their leader’s commitment, they’ll begin to doubt both the leader and themselves. If you want them to stare at you with the same commitment, if you want them to get it done, you’ve got to show them that commitment. You have to be it.

- David Heine, COO eftpos & the 1st Executive Athlete

There is no hiding when you hesitate.

We are hardwired to sense hesitation. Recognizing that split second of fear, especially from the leader, was imperative to our survival in our more primitive days.

The amygdala is the part of the brain that senses fear or hesitation. It’s the part of the brain that initiates our flight or fight response. When we sensed one of our tribe hesitates, we armed our bodies for a fight or to flee. Hesitation meant danger was imminent.

It’s hard to be mentally strong when you feel physically weak.

If you want to have great influence, if you want to feel indestructible, if you want your team to follow you without hesitation — you must develop the ability to immediately act in the face of adversity. When your brain says ‘go’ your body must instantly follow.

There is a leadership skill that is honed at the hardest point of any exercise or in the closing stages of a workout. Often referred to as ‘The Abyss’ it’s the dark point in every training session where you want to give up.

The skill is deciding in that moment that you won’t give up and you won’t give in. It’s in this moment that you can’t hesitate. If you do, you will be defeated or worse the heavy bar could come crashing back on you.

This is the ROI of exercise that needs to be talked about. Exposing yourself to small amounts of risk, to a challenge just beyond your capabilities, and committing without hesitation is EXACTLY what great leaders do.

To be a leader who doesn’t hesitate in front of a mental or physical challenge you must be in total control of your mind.

To be in total control of your mind you must be in total control of your body.

To be in control of your body you must be in total control of the four points of The Compass.

If you would like to read more about how deconditioned executives can turn into athletes If you want to learn more about the program that allows deconditioned executives to turn into athletes you can download a free chapter sampler of my book here or on the website.

