The 3 Elements that Define an Executive Athlete

Jonathan Cawte
3 min readJun 20, 2016

When you find a team that is producing far beyond its expectations, winning from unbackable positions with a shared sense of purpose, you’ll almost certainly find an Executive Athlete leading them. Like the stripes of a tiger these three characteristics of an Executive Athlete make them easy to identify.


They not only respond well to pressure, they positively crave it. They love conflict and the opportunity that it brings. Most of all, they love challenging the status quo and proving that their unique way of doing things creates superior results.

They are decisive amongst adversity, allowing them to gain the unwavering commitment of the team. They possess large amounts of emotional energy to manage the social science that is leadership. When everything is on the line, these are the leaders who show the truly fathomless depths of their talent and ingenuity.

They inspire rather than command. Where it would be easy to rescue each team member with their magical experience they devote more energy into the development of the individual. They know that they cannot do it all on their own, understanding that some of their most valuable resources lie outside of themselves. They know when one strong push will drive a team to new heights, and they know when one small push will drive them over the edge.

They motivate individuals to stride ahead but they never desert them. Team members are given permission to make mistakes, which makes them comfortable with the degree of risk that comes with exploring new territory. Because taking risks is rewarded, team members respond with boundless creativity and individual flare. Executive Athletes believe that humans will always surprise you and if you can find a way to harness that bit of surprise, you will receive greatness in return.


Colleagues, friends and family want (and need) to be around them. Executive Athletes are able to draw amazing results out of ordinary people by cultivating profound personal relationships. The depth of any relationship is directly proportional to the amount of energy that you put into it, and Executive Athletes have deep wells of this energy to devote to their people.

They have the courage to be imperfect. When they make mistakes, they have the compassion to be kind to themselves first; when others make mistakes they show them the same compassion.


The energy that they devote to their colleagues they also devote to their lives outside of work. They let people in rather than shutting them out, that joy is shared with those they lead and those they love. They see life as a never-ending game on a constantly shifting playing field. This drives them to seek achievement and victory in all avenues of life. They excel at work; they are fierce competitors on the field; and they are loved and admired at home.

Admiration produces emulation, and the Executive Athlete is as inspiring at home as they are at the office. They are healthy, fit, and productive, and those around them naturally follow their example. The knock-on effects are widespread among their friends, family, colleagues and employees. Their presence gives the room an electric buzz.

They are uplifting and inspiring. They are heroes and legends. They drink deeply from the cup of life, savouring health, joy, wisdom and fulfillment. They have the dream lifestyle, there is little more that they need or want; yet they manage to remain humble, for they remember the long climb from the bottom to the top.

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