Jonathan Cawte
2 min readMay 11, 2017

The industry has it backwards. The constant bickering about which nutrition or exercise camp is the most effective overlooks the two reasons people fail: they are either tired or stressed, and often they are both.

A tired executive is more likely to rebel against his diet, and a stressed executive is more likely to tell herself that she deserves a drink. This is the hidden cost when an executive spends too much time in a performance state.

That is why I created an athletic program that has four phases; each phase improves your ability to succeed with the next.

The first is WORK & REST MANAGEMENT. When the going gets tough, its not generally the most talented who win — it’s the best conditioned and the most determined. Executives must compete every single day. There is little down time and eventually even the best will become run down.

Your willingness to compete and the depths of determination is related to the quality of your recovery. The three most basic pillars of recovery are — rehydrate, refuel and rest. But under the guidance of a sports dietician using individualised testing you can beat fatigue through a bespoke nutrition and supplementation program.

The second is STRESS MANAGEMENT. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your decisions. Through first-hand experience we have developed a method to create the resilience needed to perform your role whilst making the right decisions to transform your health.

The third one is EXERCISE. An injury is the very definition of backward progress. The skills of a sports physiotherapist should be utilised before exercise, not after an injury, to keep you on the training field. Programming by a sports scientist is designed for maximum progress whilst keep you safe. This will ensure that out-of-shape executives can transform into athletes without injuring themselves.

The fourth one is NUTRITION. This is the hardest one to master. That is why the executive will outsource their nutrition. Every meal for the 90-day program will be delivered fresh to their door. It’s about reducing the number of decisions that an executive needs to make about their food by making the right option also the most convenient.

Now, there is no doubt that losing 20kg requires great nutrition. However, this unique approach first solves the three potent triggers for uncontrolled eating — fatigue, stress and physical pain. This is why the Executive Athlete program succeeds where other programs fail: it first creates the conditions in which success is possible.

This article was first published on my website:

