Baby Formula…Still Not Fixed

Jonathan Engwall
2 min readMay 26, 2022


Datasembly projection of baby formula availability

The Whitehouse believes the fabulous duo, Nancy and Chuck, will solve this, that, and the other crisis. The President has only to wait for Congress.

Take a look at this image produced by the NYTimesPost, originating with data from Datasembly a few days ago. Do you see Illinois and Indiana in different colored fields? Do you see Texas and Montana in the same coloring? These weird non-parallels should not be, but there you see it.

The second layer of difficulty exists in the baby formula crisis, one which nobody will address until forced to do so. I believe it to be corporate franchising. Abbot controls the worst-hit regions entirely, as the baby formula market is like real estate or intellectual property. Franchisees have rights to everything from trucks, tanks, cans, labels, shippers, packers, delivery routes, and stores. Creating an iron grip on the shelf, and nobody wants to stand up to raw monetary power. We have witnessed it over the past four months.

What are Nancy and Chuck up to, then? Nobody knows. The President assumes they are hard at work.

