5 reasons you should quit your job, travel, and learn to code

Jonathan Lau
3 min readDec 27, 2014


Bored with your day job? Time to learn a new skill and boost your career while exploring the world. There’s never a better time than now to make your resolutions for 2015. With programs like GoCode that offer the opportunity to travel and learn coding skills at the same time, there are a lot of convincing reasons why you need to leave your day job, learn to code, and travel at the same time.

  1. Meet interesting people.

There’s no doubts that when you’re traveling, you will come across many interesting people. There are tons of co-working spaces around the world where you can hang out and meet many other interesting travelers. It’s likely that some of these people may end up partnering with you on your new business, or connect you with a job at that cool new company!

2. 1.4 million coding jobs by 2020 but only 400,000 graduates with CS degrees

Code.org published a study showing the gigantic gap between the supply and demand for coders. Now is the time to learn to code and get a lucrative tech job! There are lots of jobs out there for web developers and mobile app developers. Find out more about coding education on sites like Switch. It’s never too late to learn a new skill!

3. Kill two birds with one stone

New educational programs like GoCode offer the opportunity to travel and learn coding skills at the same time. Spend 8 weeks in Costa Rica surfing while learning to code and honing a new skillset for your next career move! There are also tons of language programs around the world where you can immerse yourself in a foreign language school while exploring the city.

4. Experience the world when you’re young

Don’t be one of those people who keeps saying that you will travel the world one day, but never actually do it. There’s no perfect time for traveling — you have to make time for it. Here’s 7 reasons to travel when you’re young!

Traveling helps you grow as a person and will inspire you to make some new career moves. Besides, there are all sorts of fun activities that are easier to pick up when you’re young, like surfing!

5. Sometimes you just gotta say: Screw it, let’s do it!

The hardest part of career change is taking the first step! There’s no perfect time to quit your job and travel. There’s no perfect time to learn a new skill and switch careers.

By combining travel and learning, you get to accomplish several goals at the same time. So just believe in yourself and take that first step. It’s almost 2015. Screw it, let’s do it!

