The Best Podcasts for Lawyers

Jonathan Medwin
2 min readAug 29, 2022


Media experts believe that by 2023 there will be a forty percent increase in people listening to podcasts. Given how informative (and entertaining) podcasts are, this isn’t much of a surprise.

Podcasts are an excellent way to absorb new information, stay up to date with your chosen industry, and pick up new hobbies. Every professional field has a wide array of podcasts, including law.

When it comes to finding the right law podcast for you, it helps to know what you’re hoping to get out of it. News? Advice? Inside experience? With that in mind, here are the best podcasts for lawyers.

Technically Legal

Technically Legal merges legal concerns with technology — literally. Hosted by Chad Main, Technically Legal covers the tech industry, including legal matters and best practices. That makes this podcast perfect for those that love tech — and the law.

Legally Speaking

For those looking to stay current, there’s Legally Speaking. This podcast is a weekly event, updating listeners on the world and legal events worth following. It also has interviews and covers many different topics within the industry.

I Am the Law

I Am the Law is the perfect podcast for new or aspiring law students. The episodes are only twenty minutes long and cover various topics within the field of law. This podcast is ideal for those hoping to look at different career options and opportunities.

The Lawyerist Podcast

Next up is The Lawyerist Podcast, a weekly podcast focusing on law practice’s future. This means it spends plenty of time discussing modern trends, tactics, and industry standards. This will help listeners to understand how they may develop during the incoming years.


LawNext, hosted by Bob Ambrogi, is ideal for anyone hoping to stay up-to-date in the industry, including learning about new legal technology as it arises. As a bonus, this podcast is packed with interviews with experts.

Lawyer 2 Lawyer

Lawyer 2 Lawyer updates every two weeks or so and offers a different look at current legal news and updates. This podcast will delve into legal rulings, dissect the impact of these rulings, and more.

The Gen Why Lawyer

The Gen Why Lawyer should win an award for its clever name, but the benefits don’t end there. The Gen Why Lawyer is for younger lawyers (those born between the 1980s and 1990s). The goal is to help lawyers of this generation succeed.



Jonathan Medwin

Jonathan Medwin is a law and real estate investment professional, working with The Medwin Law Firm and Beverly Hills Law Firms. Visit