The Deep State. The mainstream media continues to deny and lie, despite the facts

Jonathan M Harris
3 min readMay 22, 2017


The Fourth Estate is now an integral part of the Deep State

To mainstream journalists and media the term ‘Deep State’ is enough to solicit laughter or send shivers down any supposedly rational person’s spine, conjuring up such seemingly absured ideas as the state-sponsored assassination of President Kennedy, the faking of the moon landings and the state’s involvement with staging the 9/11 attacks. The never ending diet of TV shows, movies, and books that touch upon the actions of a fictional Deep State, have understandably brought about a deeply embedded idea that something is not quite right with how the state and its beneficiaries operate. But, to paraphrase author Joseph Heller, “Just because the mainstream media calls you paranoid doesn’t mean the deep state isn’t out to get you.”

Putting aside whether or not one believes that the ‘conspiracies’ first mentioned exist, many non-mainstream activists and citizen journalists, from across the political divide, seem to agree that those who work for our national governments and Military Industrial Complex happily manipulate events to their advantage, and in doing so they undermine the so-called democracies of the west. These ‘deep staters’ workers support our national government’s biggest beneficiaries, namely the Military Industrial Complex and the seemingly untouchable billionaires of the world.

The mainstream media is now part of that deep state support network, no longer does it function as the Fourth Estate, who, citizens are lead to believe, will supposedly provide some of the checks and balances needed to maintain any true democracy. The Fourth Estate has completely been absorbed into today’s Deep State, hence their obsession with attacking independent media and citizen journalists by labeling anyone that doesn’t follow their narrative as the producers of fake news.

That self-same mainstream news media has now opened up another front against those who through their writing or film work bring attention to the Deep State in action. Anyone highlighting the unquestioning pro-jihadi reporting of the war on Syria or the smears on Russia is targeted, as are those that question how the US Democratic Party sidelined Bernie Sanders during the last election or who writes about the seemingly never ending betrayals of the Clintons, Obamas and now the Trumps.

When journalists meet or interview anyone who references the workings of the ‘Deep State’ they are readily ridiculed and lumped in with the so-called ‘loonies’ such as Alex Jones of Info Wars fame or former sports journalist David Icke. It is easy to do this because most newspaper readers or viewers of television news want their prejudices confirmed and to be told everything is OK, even modern and unjustifiable wars don’t solicit much protest if one believes the mainstream news.

Despite this, people’s blind trust in the mainstream news press has lessened considerably, it is now understood by more and more people that far from being a term used by paranoid individuals and organisations, the words ‘Deep State’ are the perfect description of what is, in effect, the controlling interests within our nation states and beyond.

They are beginning to engage with those that write about how our world is controlled by hedge fund managers and other billionaires, the Saudi princeses and others, whose lives are untouched by the majority’s woes. They can now see that thanks to the West’s Media and Military Industrial Complex with their entourage of lobbyists, government supporters and a whole host of private organizations, they are able to maintain the status quo.

Whether the mainstream media admits it or not, the Deep State certainly exists, we can see evidence everywhere. We just have to open our eyes.

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For those in the UK check out the Media on Trial event taking place on the 11 June in Frome. Great writers like Vanessa Beeley and Patrick Henningsen will be taking part.

Don’t forget to check out the writings of Caitlin Johnstone, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Henningsen and Debbie Lusignan



Jonathan M Harris

Writer and Publisher. Formerly mainstream, now independent.