I spent 300 Hours Studying Alex Hormozi, the $100M Man — What Empire Are You Moved to Build?

WARNING: This article will probably only resonate with someone seeking wisdom on how to become world class at what they do

Jonathan Michaelson
8 min readJul 16, 2023

Alex Hormozi, together with his wife Leila, has built a massive business empire and went from a broke man to his present net worth of over $100M in ten years flat. But the key to such unlikely success, is in the foundations.

Image Credit — Alex Hormozi

I hated the life my dad wanted me to live. Sometimes your parents dreams have to die in order for yours to live. — Alex Hormozi

In this article, I want to give you my best insights on how you can start to make the pieces come together in whatever pursuit you are thinking about starting, but are perhaps paralyzed by fear due to its scale.

Otherworldly success comes from delving into and exploring the questions that have not yet been asked, or have been widely dismissed as insane.

After reading this, you’ll have a good idea on where to start, but reding the rest of my articles about Alex as well will give you the bigger picture that should make your entire journey much easier —



Jonathan Michaelson

A cheerful pirate exploring the seas creativity, success and human potential. I write for myself, publicly.