Is Building a Personal Brand Narcissistic?

And what does it take to get loyal fans

Jonathan Michaelson
5 min readFeb 15, 2023

The questions I’ve been obsessing over these days.

Without further ado, here’s what I found —


If you’re a public creator, you can’t not have a personal brand.

We invariably think SOMETHING of everyone we read, watch or listen to.

No matter how chaotic your activity, in the audience’s eyes, there’s always a method to your madness. They see you as a coherent entity, either with the face of a human being or that of a fictional character or that of a mascot.

But many creators and influencers get one thing wrong —

Personal brand is not about drinking coffee and taking selfies to post them on social media.

No one cares about that.

Follower counts don’t really matter either, especially here on Medium.

I saw how accounts with tens of thousands of followers couldn’t influence even 100 claps for their new blog post in a month. After seeing it happen over and over I realized that the number of followers is a vanity metric.

Genuine branding is about letting people know what to expect from you.



Jonathan Michaelson

A cheerful pirate exploring the seas creativity, success and human potential. I write for myself, publicly.