Jonathan Radford
4 min readMar 30, 2016

5 Apps For Personal Development

Day by day we are browsing through online things (from Facebook to other places and newsfeed) but rarely we stop and think about the content that we are viewing. Or what influence does that content have on us.

“How does this content help me?” Is a question you should ask yourself “what information do I get from it, how can I use this in my advantage?”, other question. Of course not everything you will ever read or connect with will have an impact on you or help you but what would you say if we would recommend you some mobile applications that will help you in your personal development?

Most thing are nowadays mobile or going mobile and since you use your phone that much maybe you could also use it to do something for the greater good of yourself. We came up with some great apps that we think would help you become better at your job/ work place and also that will motivate and inspire you.

We have tested this applications and came up with some opinions and thoughts.

My Study Life

My Study Life is an application where you can schedule all your classes and courses, set up assignments and tasks for classes. If you are a person who doesn’t always remember when each deadline is this is a great tool for you. You can also set up exams. For each course you can get to fulfil details about the teacher, class, room and hours for each type of course/ activity. What is really nice about this app is the Dashboard where you get to see what things you have for the present day ( Tasks, Classes, Exams). The squares have rolling text that also tell you what things you have on the next day so you would not miss a thing.


“Train your mind, train your brain and stay focused.” The way we would sum up this application. Truth be told this is a great application and there is a pro version for which you need to pay. We tested the free version of this app and the thing is you get to play games that help you focus and improve your skills in speaking, listening and a little bit of math. The exercises are made in such a way that they make you want to succeed in completing them. Each day you get to practice and improve 3 skills and unlock different aspects of the application.


Course Guru is an application that allows you and actually help you develop knowledge regarding different areas and different subjects. From Biology to Computer Science and many others. You get lectures about different subjects and from different sources all gathered in one application.

Learn C++

Learn C++ is another great application that gradually and step by step introduces you to the world of C++. Learn from Basic Concepts to other Modules like Conditionals and Loops, Data Types, Arrays, Pointers and others. Do challenges at each lecture and always chose “Try it yourself” for a better comprehension of each term of C++. Whether you are passionate or not about this subject it’s a great tool and app that could only work out in your advantage.


We are all really affectionate with our personal phone and we are truly attached to it so that’s why we considered that an application that would reflect your phone and truly help you and your phone would be Drippler. This application instantly detects your phone, your model and running system and based on that gives you a newsfeed of information regarding your type of phone and articles that could help you improve the way your phone works.

Extra: Another great app that features motivational articles and inspirational ones is the application Entrepreneur Daily. Here again you get a daily newsfeed but also you get different topics in the menu section from which you can choose. Entrepreneur daily is a magazine and is not only for entrepreneurs, is also a great tool for those who want to find out successful stories and get motivated to go on and persuade in their dreams.