Can The Green Party Receive 5% of the Popular Vote in 2020?

Jonathan Rosaler
3 min readMay 26, 2020

I have spoken to not only Democratic supporters but Independent voters as well about this. It almost comes off as a Pipedream that 3rd parties can get a significant amount of voters much less win. It always seems impossible until it’s done. The math & history of a Third party vote doesn’t check out. I watched a YouTube video of someone who voted for Jill Stein in 2016 and barely got 1% of the popular vote & the current frontrunner Howie Hawkins seems to not be polling as well as Stein.

For those who don’t know why 5% is a goal for 3rd parties I learned this back in 2018 on a YouTube Channel GradeAUnderA. For the longest time I thought voting for 3rd party was like winning the lottery. In his video, he mentioned just 5% of the vote for a 3rd party gets them acknowledged by the Election Committee as an official minot party and get upwards of 10 million dollars to fund their next campaign. What Grade didn’t mention is ballot access becomes easier. How has this been so hard considering how horrible of records the last Democratic & Republican candidates have had & how is 2020 any different?

A couple things to keep in mind. New Math this year has been factored. Bernie Sanders was on the verge of becoming the Democratic Nominee until Endorsements for Joe Biden in South Carolina by Jim Clyburn & the Mainstream Media made Biden a megastar when his campaign was on the verge of closing up. Sanders supporters are angry. Angry that this happened again. Now Bernie asks us to vote for Joe who doesn’t support Medicare For All which leads me to my next point, Joe Biden doesn’t support M4A. The left can push as hard as they can with some even claiming Biden to be a puppet for the left hence the whole “my good friend Joe" yet if he doesn’t support crucial leftist ideas like Single Payer how is he a puppet? Why vote for someone who won’t budge on it when there is someone out there who will?

The Coronavirus Pandemic has added math too. Nearly 100,000 people dead in this country as of this writing with 1.6 million cases alone. 35 million jobs lost which had health insurance tied to their jobs. 5% isn’t out of the realm of possibility this year. You can do a polling on it but alot has already changed and alot can still change between now and November. By the way, interesting statistics for the 2016 candidates Stein & Johnson. Both passed a million votes. 4 parties in an election have not passed a million votes in decades.

The involvement of Jesse Ventura has also been a boost of buzz for The Green Party. While he has turned down running, he managed to secure his name on some ballots as an undeclared candidate & was polling at 18% on a Fox channel. Imagine what an endorsement like his could do for a party?

And here’s another thing why 5% is doable. The state of Maine has Ranked choice voting. The first time in an Election a state can vote without feeling pressure to spoiler the vote. RCV completely contradicts this.

I had the pleasure of getting followed by Hawkins’ running mate Angela Walker on Twitter & I followed her back. It’s important politically active people online follow people in their parties they like outside the 2 party system. If Pewdiepie ran for President in this country he would absolutely get beyond 5%. These are good people and they deserve to be heard before you vote shame.

