
Jonathan M Smucker
1 min readNov 12, 2016


The chatter I hear this week
In public places, cafes, on the street
So many strangers
Having the same conversation
With determination in their voices
With fire in their eyes
Declaring to each other
Their pledge
To step it up
What are you, America?
What will you be?
Please make true
America the beautiful
Please become
An America for all of us
For black and brown and red and white
For gay and straight
For women and men and trans
For all kinds of bodies
For Muslim and Christian and Jew and Sikh and atheist
For workers, of all varieties
For immigrants and for refugees
Even for our sisters and brothers in other lands
Who we may never meet
When will those three bold words
We The People
Mean everyone?
All of us
So much at stake
So many rooting for you
Now is the time.



Jonathan M Smucker

Co-founder, Senior Strategic Advisor: @PAstandsup; Co-founder: @lancstandsup; Co-founder, board member: @CommonDefense; my book: @HegemonyHowTo; #Bernie2020