Foamy Urine can indicate your healthiness

Jonathan Surya Laksana
3 min readMar 9, 2019


Watch your urine whenever you take a pee! Make sure it’s not foamy.

Have you ever watch your urine? Was that foamy? That might indicate your healthiness, or maybe not. It is normal, but it can be one of the symptoms of abnormal foamy urine.

Don’t panic, folks! It can still be normal if it’s causes by:

  • Rapid Urination — this happened when your bladder is full and your urine hitting the toilet so fast. The urine hits the toilet bowl and generates foam.
  • Toilet Cleaner — there are some chemical reaction when your urine hits the toilet cleaner such as soap. It will generates foams or more likely bubbles.
  • Concentrated Urine — light dehydration can be one of the reason. Try to drink more water and let your body hydrated.

Actually, there are several abnormalities that cause your urine foamy. But let’s take a look to a common one. It’s called proteinuria.


It happened when your urine was normal but there were large amounts of protein inside it. The foamy part is the result of secreted protein in the urine.

This could be happened when your kidneys can’t filter that much amount of protein. So, the problem is whether you take supplements to gain more protein or there is a problem with your kidney.

There are two common causes of kidney problems, high blood pressure and diabetes. When your kidneys are damaged, it won’t filter well like it should. It could let your protein from the bloodstream leak into your urine. This could be a sign of chronic kidney disease. Usually called end-stage renal disease.

My Experience with Foamy Urine

Sounds scary, right? Yes it happened when I went into GOJEK’s Office in Pasaraya Blok M, Jakarta. I was shocked when seeing my urine was so foamy. It makes the next guy also shocked and jumped because of me.


It might be okay if there is no sign and metrics that indicate your healthiness by the urine. But the sign is always in front of your eyes whenever you take a pee!

When I realized that my urine is foamy, quickly search all source of truth in the Internet about ‘foamy urine’. My personal advice to you folks, don’t search about your health problem using Google unless you can get the right source of truth. It could be ruined your day or maybe your life, dude! Websites or sources that might pop up to your search are amazingly scarier.

I ended up to HealthLine website and search for more explanation from experts and found this site. And thank God, after several iterations of drink more water and urinating, the foams are gone. Unless, you hit the toilet bowl with super-mega-ultra speed when urinating.


There are several causes when you urinate it will generates foam. Most of the cases are not a big problem. Like, the speed of urination and toilet cleaner soap is not indicating something wrong with your body.

Foamy urine can also indicate your body dehydrated. Drink plenty of water to make your body stay hydrated and let’s see if your urine still is foamy after several urinations.

A chronic problem is proteinuria when there is too much amount of protein in your regular urine. Caused by supplement that contains high amounts of protein and / or your kidneys are damaged.

If you already flush your toilet to clean up the soap, already slowing down your speed from super-mega-ultra to slowly-but-sure when you urinate, already drink enough water, and your urine still foamy? So sorry folks, you have to call your doctor.



Jonathan Surya Laksana

A highly self-motivated person. Eager and passionately curious to solve problems. Continuous learning, all the time.