Mark Charles is Running for President and You Should Pay Attention

Jonathan Walton
3 min readFeb 1, 2020

Mark Charles is running for President of the United States and you should pay attention for 4 key reasons.

  1. “We the People” has never meant #AllThePeople.

There is not a single female pronoun in our constitution. Natives are specifically excluded in its claims and assertions and contends that enslaved Africans are noted as 3/5 of a human being. Natives are familiar with broken treaties, women are well acquainted with lower pay and institutional elements of patriarchy, and Black Americans did not need to see 13th to know that slavery was never actually abolished. Mark Charles pits himself against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. America did not need be made great again as Trump proclaimed; nor did it need to be proven great already as Secretary Clinton argued. Because no nation can be great that does not proclaim all people as human.

2. #RezTheVote shines the light on people who live in the darkest shadows of our society.

In his January 26th update, Mark reiterated his commitment to reach out to the host people of this land before anyone else. Concretely that means the first people he invited into a different vision for Turtle Island (or North America) were Native people because they were here first; and are still here. A little known fact is that there are…



Jonathan Walton

Beloved | Husband | Baba | Poet | Author at IVP | InterVarsity Staff | Leader of Prayerful Resistance | Developing Emotionally Healthy Activist