No Shitholes in the Eyes of Jesus

Jonathan Walton
3 min readJan 12, 2018

When God put Jesus in Mary’s womb, He knew He would be from Nazareth. And He knew that Nathanael would proclaim, “Nazareth?!? Can anything good come from there?”. Moreover, when Jesus chose to walk through Samaria, He knew of the hatred, strife and anger between the Jews and the Samaritans. He knew that the Jews thought them to be heretics, inferior human beings and wholly unworthy of the Love of God. Finally, when Saul was converted to Paul on the road to Damascus and sent to the Gentiles, God knew that the Jewish people did not believe them to be worthy of salvation or relationship with Him. And for preaching this, He knew Paul would be killed.

We see over and over again that neighborhoods, countries, and even people groups are shitholes to political and religious leaders but to Jesus, these are only places and people in need of radical inclusion into the family of God. Fortunately, Presidents did not form the children of Haiti, El Salvador and Cameroon in their mothers’ wombs. The forefathers of the United States are not the Fathers of Creation. And so the description that God spoke when He formed humanity for the first time, “VERY GOOD” is still true for my brothers and sisters who hold residence in Honduras and Morocco. Trump is not God and the United States is not Heaven. The Constitution is not the Holy Bible. And that is where our value, dignity, and worth were decided.



Jonathan Walton

Beloved | Husband | Baba | Poet | Author at IVP | InterVarsity Staff | Leader of Prayerful Resistance | Developing Emotionally Healthy Activist