Day 8. Unity and Mapbox

Jonathan Witcoski
3 min readMay 8, 2018


Will I ever make a game?

Let see how far I get today.

Its monday, I just want to sit outside on this nice spring weather but im committed to building a game in Unity that uses Mapbox.

Bit of recap…. I have no experience in Unity except for the last 2 weeks in 1 to 2 hour intervals. I downloaded the software, ran it, and ran thru a number of Unity tutorials and Mapbox tutorials. I also made a game involving rolling a ball around a billard room to collect some rotating squares.

Current Project. Make a race car game thru the Mapbox streets.

I downloaded the vehicle tools resource in Unity.

I then added imported the mapbox unity package 1.4.1

Now this is where I got hung up yesterday the folks at Mapbox informed me that I should look at the data explorer. I am sad its not a tutorial so I am going to have to fat finger it and hope for the best.

To get all the fun stuff all into one scene Im going to move all the Main Camera and Directional Light into the TestTrack scene.

Look how pretty it looks

Dont forget Mapbox wants to know your token within the Mapbox>>Mapbox Setup window

For your API go here

Testing it out I get this. same as yesterday. The street is way to high and its not regarded as an object the car can drive on.

Looks like I need to check the box for collider.

Now the map has structure

I also moved the map down -9 degrees so that it can be below the car.

Darnnit my truck is stuck on a house

Moving on by moving to a different city

The car is a bit big
Turning the zoom level to 18 gets it alttle better

Time: 1 hour

Overall Total Time: 13 hours



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