CS 371p Spring 2020: Jonathon Lowe (Third Entry)

Jonathon Lowe
2 min readFeb 9, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This past week I have been spending a lot of time alternating between working on a computer vision side project of mine, working on Collatz, and doing Algorithms homework. For Collatz, I set up my GitLab environment by adding the SSH key, wrote up twelve issues, ran the CI pipeline and the other tests we needed to run before we started work, and implemented the first version of the solution and a lazy cache. I was working on other stuff last week so I really had to catch up on the project this week.

What’s in your way?

Making sure everything all of the CI, unit testing, acceptance testing, etc. stuff is working properly. It seems like everything is working as it should, but I am not necessarily confident that I have done everything the way I am supposed to because I am not as familiar with all of these practices.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will finish up Collatz, including all of the documentation, tests, gitlog, and style. I am also going to keep working on my side project and potentially go to the career fair next Thursday.

What was your experience of exceptions, references, and consts?

My experience with exceptions was good because I was able to review the concept, build on my knowledge of how catching exceptions works with parents and children, and learn more about C++’s specific implementation of it. During the lectures, I understood both references and consts relatively well, but because they are confusing topics, I will probably need to review my notes in order to internalize the nuances of all the different types of pointers, const pointers, and everything else.

What made you happy this week?

This week in a business elective I am taking, we had a very interesting guest speaker come in and talk about his career and experiences. He has had a lot of success spotting opportunities for new businesses and creating them and had a lot of insight into different attributes he thinks are important in that process.

I also finished creating bounding boxes around images for a side project I am working on, so I am glad that it is over. I drew around eight thousand boxes and it took quite a while and was quite tedious.

What’s your pick of the week or tip of the week?

My pick of the week is this repo I have been using to hopefully drive the custom object detection in the project I am working on.

