Five Design Answers

Jon Dueck
1 min readOct 25, 2014

A response to @dustin’s Five Design Questions.

1—Tell us who you are in one sentence.

I’m a graphic designer and front-end web developer working at Co-op@home during the day and building up my own design studio — Collectif — in my spare time with Josiah Wiebe.

2—If you weren’t a designer, what would you do?

I think I’ve pursued because it’s the thing that I feel like I can do. Of course, I’d love to do more with music, but for now I’m content to play with my friends once a week. Perhaps I’d study architecture or history, or explore photography.

3—What is something you wished you designed, either because you love it, or because you feel you could have done it better?

At the moment I’m really inspired by everything coming out of SaturdayHill. The kind of stuff you wish you’d done.

4 — What was your biggest design mistake?

Scheduling either too little time, or too many projects at once. I’m still learning to say “no”.

5—What advice would you give someone entering the design field?

Talk to designers that you know, and follow those that you don’t on Twitter. Honestly, a lot of the new techniques and tools that I learn about are via Twitter. It’s a great way to see what they’re reading and who they’re inspired by. It’s also a great way to talk to them. Reach out. Ask questions, or thank them for building that tool that you enjoy.

