How Reset your Admin Password For QuickBooks

5 min readApr 18, 2024


For QuickBooks users, forgetting or needing to reset the admin password can be a source of frustration. However, QuickBooks provides a straightforward process for resetting the admin password, ensuring that you regain access to your account and can continue managing your finances seamlessly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to reset your admin password for QuickBooks, common reasons why you may need to reset it, tips for creating a strong password, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you navigate the process with ease.

To help you fix this problem, we have some resources in this article. But if you need expert help, you can contact us anytime. We have a team of QuickBooks experts who are available 24/7 to assist you. Just call our support line at +1–888–858–6199.

Part 1: Understanding the Admin Password in QuickBooks

What is the Admin Password in QuickBooks?

The admin password in QuickBooks is a security feature designed to protect sensitive financial data and restrict access to certain features and functions within the software. The admin password grants full access to the QuickBooks company file, allowing users to perform administrative tasks, manage user permissions, and make changes to company settings.

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Importance of the Admin Password:

  • Data Security: The admin password helps safeguard your financial data from unauthorized access or tampering.
  • User Control: It allows you to control access to sensitive features and functions within QuickBooks, ensuring that only authorized users can perform certain actions.
  • Compliance: Maintaining a strong admin password helps ensure compliance with security best practices and regulatory requirements.

Part 2: Reasons for Resetting Your Admin Password

Common Reasons for Password Reset:

  1. Forgotten Password: Users may forget their admin password due to infrequent usage or complexity.
  2. Employee Turnover: When an employee who had access to QuickBooks leaves the company, it may be necessary to reset the admin password to revoke their access.
  3. Security Concerns: If you suspect that your admin password has been compromised or is no longer secure, resetting it is essential to maintain the security of your financial data.

Part 3: Steps to Reset Your Admin Password in QuickBooks

Step-by-Step Guide to Password Reset:

  1. Open QuickBooks: Launch QuickBooks Desktop and open the company file for which you want to reset the admin password.
  2. Access Password Reset Tool: Navigate to the login screen and click on the “I forgot my password” link or option.
  3. Answer Security Questions: QuickBooks may prompt you to answer security questions or provide other verification information to confirm your identity.
  4. Receive Password Reset Token: Depending on your settings, QuickBooks may send a password reset token to your email address or phone number on file.
  5. Enter Reset Token: Enter the password reset token received via email or text message into the appropriate field in QuickBooks.
  6. Create New Password: After verifying your identity, QuickBooks will prompt you to create a new admin password. Choose a strong password that meets the specified criteria.
  7. Confirm Password: Re-enter the new password to confirm and save your changes.
  8. Log In with New Password: Once the new password is set, log in to QuickBooks using the new admin password to verify that the reset was successful.

Part 4: Tips for Creating a Strong Password

Best Practices for Password Security:

  • Use a Combination of Characters: Include a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in your password.
  • Avoid Common Words or Phrases: Steer clear of easily guessable passwords such as “password123” or common phrases.
  • Length Matters: Aim for a password that is at least 8–12 characters long to enhance security.
  • Unique Passwords: Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts or systems to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Regular Updates: Change your password periodically to mitigate the risk of password compromise.

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Part 5: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I reset the admin password if I don’t have access to the email or phone number on file?

  • A1: In some cases, you may need to contact QuickBooks support for assistance with resetting the admin password if you no longer have access to the email or phone number on file.

Q2: Is there a limit to the number of times I can reset the admin password?

  • A2: QuickBooks does not impose a specific limit on the number of times you can reset the admin password. However, frequent password resets may raise security concerns and should be avoided unless necessary.

Q3: Can I reset the admin password if I’m using QuickBooks Online?

  • A3: Yes, the process for resetting the admin password in QuickBooks Online is similar to QuickBooks Desktop. You can follow the steps provided by Intuit to reset your password through the online platform.

Q4: What should I do if I encounter an error while resetting my admin password?

  • A4: If you encounter an error or encounter difficulties while resetting your admin password, you may need to troubleshoot the issue or contact QuickBooks support for assistance.

Q5: How can I prevent forgetting my admin password in the future?

  • A5: To prevent forgetting your admin password in the future, consider using a password manager to securely store and manage your passwords. Additionally, periodically updating your password and choosing a strong, memorable passphrase can help mitigate the risk of forgetting it.


Resetting your admin password for QuickBooks is a straightforward process that can be completed within the software’s interface. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices for password security, you can regain access to your QuickBooks account and protect your financial data from unauthorized access. Whether you’ve forgotten your password, experienced employee turnover, or have security concerns, resetting your admin password ensures that you can continue managing your finances with confidence.




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