7 min readSep 15, 2020

Jesus Said A House Divided Cannot Stand – What Does That Mean For America???

Imperfect Union

We are a nation divided. Against itself. And it's the latter, not the former, we should be most concerned (and even more discerned about).

We, the people. In order to transform this most imperfect union. From State to State, cities after city are being transformed after dark into quasi insurgent, Police states.

In the midst of pepper spray mist, Constitutional cornerstones of Justice, Domestic Tranquility and the General Welfare, all but reduced to the same rubble. Once bold ideals, drafted into the Preamble to the United States Constitution in 1787, reduced to mere afterthoughts in 2020.

Foundational precepts, essentially serving as the guiding principles that would inform and capture both the birth and spirit of a nation.

Now, dying a slow and painful death. Mere words, rarely expressed. Never fully addressed. Fast fading notions at best. Typically, best read from teleprompters during a State of the Union address.

In a House divided. Standing in stark contrast to the bankable promise it once embodied. But defaulted on, in perpetuity. The Constitution, a dark shadow of itself.

Sans the 2nd Amendment, viewed as a Promissory Note that has long since passed its maturity date. Stamped null and void by the fair and righteous judge.

Factoring for recompense and the associated costs for judgment, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, once priceless treasures stored up in this House, are devalued more than ever before.

Plus, Lil Wayne said he went online shopping and talk is still cheap. So, net net, their net worth combined are not worth much more than the felt pen and paper they were wasted on.

"Every Kingdom divided against itself is laidwaste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand."
- Matthew 12:25

When Jesus told the scribes that "a house divided against itself cannot stand," he was exposing their stubborn unbelief. It is obvious that Satan doesn't cast out demons; the scribes and Pharisees were just trying to find reasons to hate and oppose Jesus because He posed a threat to their religious system. They depended on their own efforts for salvation, and for that reason, Jesus' message of dependence on God was odious to them. They were trying to find anything—even the ridiculous—that would prove them right and Jesus wrong.

Polarized Opposites Attract

With Democracy on Life Support, it remains encouraging to see some vital signs and detect a pulse in the form of peaceful protests and increasingly diverse crowds. Upon first glance, we were watching one nation under a new groove.

How groovy, at long last, to see the country we love. And still dream of. Bittersweet land of liberty, no longer the land of the lost. Seemingly, expanding the tent, under the banner of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Juneteenth, for example, invited inside the tent this year. Going from relative obscurity to save the date priority. From off the radar, to all over the map. Kinfolk never even got the Memo.

Or, Nascar. Going from 0 to 100. Real quick. Too fast. Too soon. After all, in hindsight, first looks, photo opps cars blowing smoke and mirrors reflecting an apparent noose hanging from garage doors...Can be deceiving.

Divided We Stand

As the ember dust from burning buildings settled, and the mist from the Tear Gas cleared, it was obvious both sides were polar opposites.

And made it perfectly clear, the real pressure appeared to be coming from the outside, leaning in. Well beyond enemy lines. Be it coming from the Right or Left. North, South, East or West, Heaven knows.

What remains unclear, though, is who is choosing sides. And whose side are they really on? And who's Zooming Who.

All sides, equally attracted to the opportunity and gravity to seize the moment. In effect, united against one another through competing causes. Most showing up uninvited, somehow cleared. Clearly conflicted, with clear conflicts of interest.

Sharply divided we now stand. And will be throughout the Fall. Rumors of Wars in Revelation. Perhaps, civil war. Or, worse still. Caught off guard. Too caught up in the chaos. And Black & White hangups.

With external forces having already grown comfortable in the role of America's racial spoiler. And Happy to oblige. Gladly, dividing this House against itself. Once and for all.

2020 Vision

In either event, given the civil unrest playing out this Summer, with the Theater coming to a city near you, we can rest uneasily assured that the bad and ugly will be on full display during the Presidential Election.

What America seems to be missing, lodged within our collective blind spot, and individual pursuit of diminishing delusions of grandeur, branded as the new normal, is the grand diversion behind the scenes.

Deftly pulling the strings on America's Achilles heel. Racial divisions that were never treated, much less healed. The real revolution is not being Televised. It's actually being fought in another realm. While we fight amongst ourselves. Wrestling against different colors of flesh. Fighting our demons, and shadow boxing against the same enemy that came to America with one goal in mind.

To divide the races, and country against itself. To see this empire fall. Collapsing underneath the weight of its own hate. To watch us rob, kill, steal and loot.

Creating confusion and chaos. Already deceiving the world. Hoping to convince as many as He can to help destroy God's ourselves.

Of Prophetic Concern

As Christians, this notion of "a house divided against itself" has always been of prophetic concern. Jesus warned of this. In fact, His prophetic words can be found in each of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 12:22–32; Luke 11:14–23; Mark 3:22–29).

Safe to say, he forknew His own second coming. Why, you might ask, was Jesus so adamant on this subject, and what does it mean for America, facing Last Judgment.

In the Book of Mark, Chapter 3, Jesus was accused of being possessed by Satan, pretty far removed from claims of Him being the Messiah.

"How can Satan cast out Satan? If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that Kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand."
- Mark 3:23–25

His response is instructive for this country, and the complex web it weaves. Leaving us to do some house cleaning. Starting with Heart. Beginning, and ending in Love.

In other words, Jesus is saying it is impossible for Satan to cast himself out. After all, Satan's goal is to destroy, not to heal.

Satan would no sooner cast demons out of a person in order to validate Jesus to be the Son of God than He would knowingly and willingly cast himself into the Lake of Fire.

Power of Parables

The power of this parable has broad implications for our country, our communities, our families, our households, our faith, our churches and, most importantly, how we worship.

Together. If there is no love, unity, harmony and agreement between members of the same household, it is impossible for that house to "stand" and successfully withstand the undue influence and devastating impact coming from external forces.

Especially, when least unexpected. And the critical masses never expected such a thing would ever happen.

Jesus used this parable to expose the stubborn unbelief on their part. Certainly, they were aware Satan didn't cast out demons.

The Pharisees and their scribes were both hatin' on Christ. They were searching high and low for reasons to hate and oppose Jesus.

Why? Because He posed a threat to the status quo and religious system. They were trying to find anything to stick, no matter how ridiculous, that would disprove The Mesdiah.

Honest Abe

In 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech centered on the "House Divided" as a theme to illustrate the need for a universal decision on slavery across all states.

As he argued, the Union then, and now, are left with only two remaining outcomes: This country would inevitably become either all slave or all free. The Negro would eventually permeate every other political issue.

"A House divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other.

Either the opponents of slavery, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the states, old as well as new—North as well as South. Have we no tendency to the latter condition?"
- Abraham Lincoln

While it comes as no surprise to most that Lincoln delivered such profound words. Very few have ever recognized the fact that He wasn't merely voicing His opinion, or defending His position or policy.

And here's the shout. He was voicing prophecy, publicly! And I truly believe it was God, and the intercession of the Holy Spirit speaking to the powers that be in America and foreign powers, allowed to be in our country. Outside interests, meddling in our internal affairs.

The fair and righteous Judge summoning Lincoln to issue a warning. Fully repent. For both vengeance and recompense are mine. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself. Or, face judgment.

Prophecy, now being fulfilled. Let Honest Abe tell it.