What Is Syntrum ???

4 min readMar 29, 2023



The world of blockchain is growing rapidly. More organizations such as banks and governments are turning to blockchain technology for its security and efficiency, while others are using decentralized platforms to create new applications.

Thankfully, it’s an easy time to get involved in business in the future as more opportunities have been created for entrepreneurs to disrupt the industry and create new ways of doing business.

What is Syntrum Blockchain?

Syntrum Blockchain is a blockchain infrastructure designed for DeFi, games and NFTs. It aims to provide true interoperability between different blockchain ecosystems, enabling seamless transactions between them.

Syntrum Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the blockchain industry by providing more efficient and cost-effective solutions for decentralized applications. Innovative features and a focus on interoperability can drive blockchain technology adoption and pave the way for new use cases in the future.

How does it work?

Syntrum Blockchain operates using a context Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithm to secure its network. PoS is a context mechanism that allows users to confirm transactions and get rewards by storing a certain amount of cryptocurrency in their wallet.

In addition to the content of the PoS algorithm, Syntrum Blockchain also uses a unique sharding technique called “simple sharding”. This technique involves breaking the network into smaller groups of nodes or shards that can process transactions independently of one another. This allows for much higher transaction throughput and faster confirmation times because each shard can process a portion of the network’s transaction volume.

Syntrum Blockchain has developed its own programming language called Simplified Contract Language (SCL) to build decentralized applications in an easy-to-use and more secure way than traditional smart contract languages, making them more accessible to developers on the web.

Overall, Syntrum Blockchain’s unique combination of PoS context, Spartan Sharding, and the SCL programming language enables a more efficient, secure, and scalable blockchain infrastructure for DeFi, gaming, and NFT use cases.

What are the benefits for users if they join?

A product beyond blockchain infrastructure, Syntrum offers a white label solution through its dApp-as-a-Service package. It gives developers, projects, creators, and creators in the DeFi, GameFi, and NFT spaces access to efficient and scalable dApp technologies. With this kit, building the Syntrum ecosystem becomes less complicated and more cost-effective.

In addition to its infrastructure, blockchain offers a variety of products and services through dApp-as-a-Service packages. This bundle gives developers, developers, and creators in the DeFi, GameFi, and NFT spaces access to efficient and removable dApp technologies, making it easier and cheaper to build the Syntrum ecosystem. Some of the products and services offered by Syntrum through the dApp-as-a-Service package include:

Syntrum Wallet:

  • A non-custodial wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies, tokens and NFTs. This allows users to securely store and manage their digital assets.

Syntrum Explorer:

  • A block explorer that provides real-time information about transactions, blocks, and network activity on the Syntrum blockchain.

Syntrum Nodes:

  • A node infrastructure service that enables developers to run their own nodes on the Syntrum blockchain, providing more control and customization to their dApps.

Syntrum Chainlink:

  • A decentralized oracle network that enables developers to securely access off-chain data and create smart contracts on the Syntrum blockchain.

Syntrum NFT Marketplace:

  • A decentralized marketplace for buying, selling and exchanging NFTs on the Syntrum blockchain.

One of the unique features of the Syntrum Blockchain is that transactions are gas-free, which means that users do not have to pay transaction fees to complete transactions on the network. This feature makes DeFi and NFT partitions more accessible to users because they don’t have to worry about high transaction fees.

Platforms like syntrum give you a lot of flexibility in choosing which protocol/blockchain to use depending on your needs. Because, in the end, it’s about maintaining our freedom, as well as being able to enter new ways that don’t depend on fees and time waiting for transactions, etc.…

Overall, Syntrum’s suite of products and services provide developers with the tools they need to create innovative, scalable dApps within the Syntrum ecosystem.



Bitcointalk username: jonggol

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3483500

Telegram: @pamungkasnih

BSC Wallet address: 0x4BcE3d95da78b7dB2D2020B7B70Ce528e06e7542




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