What is Ave.ai?

Jonis Avohou
2 min readDec 31, 2022


Ave.ai is a decentralized blockchain data platform that currently aggregates blockchain data from more than 40 blockchains.It provides users with crypto data, nft prices and statistical data from various sectors such as DeFi, GameFi and Web3.0, etc.
Aveai is committed to developing a "more secure, accurate and professional" aggregate data platform.
Currently, there are 4 million active users in Ave App.

Difference between Ave and other reference sites for tracking crypto asset prices
Ave not only provides blockchain information (project description, liquidity, trading volume in 24 hours, number of holders, smart contract address, market capitalization, total supply, outstanding supply, number of transactions per minute, etc.) on a crypto-currency. .With aveai, you can also buy or sell a crypto-currency on the decentralized exchange of your choice.
You can also get in direct contact (to chat) with the team behind a crypto project and its other investors: Ave's chat function allows you to do this.
Not only that, Ave gives you the possibility to analyze a public address (crypto or NFT) in order to have all the information related to it.
The result of the analysis allows you to access the following details:
✅ The investment risk on the crypto currency linked to this address.
✅ The public address of the project founder.
✅ The allocation of tokens (funds held by the team, funds allocated for trading on dex etc.).
✅ The overview of address(es) that hold more than +50% of the crypto currency in question.
✅ The active addresses on the network.
✅ The status of the liquidity pool (locked or unlocked.

The advantages of Ave
Provides powerful cryptographic data, allowing you to have the full blockchain analysis on a crypto-currency
Allows you to unearth real projects while avoiding Ponzi schemes
Allows you to track a crypto-currency to be informed when key addresses move a substantial amount of available funds on the network.
Allows to track investors holding a large amount of a crypto-currency: whales
Facilitates access to all existing blockchain explorers: bscscan, etherscan, tronscan etc.
Allows users to trade on multiple decentralized exchanges with optimal security: Pancakeswap, Jswap, Uniswap, Hieswap, Rosswap, 1inch, etc.
You can also trade NFT on Opensea or Element NFT Market via Ave.ai
In addition to its aforementioned advantages, sending and withdrawing (transactions) on Aveai are very fast and affordable in terms of gas charges.

To get the mobile application, just follow the links below:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.ave.platform

iOS application: https://apps.apple.com/sg/app/aveai/id1645676067
For those who want to install it on their computer:
Windows: https://avesp.xyz/oss/app/avedex-win64.exe
Mac : https://avesp.xyz/oss/app/avedex-mac.dmg .

Follow us for more news :
English Telegram: https://t.me/aveai_english
Discord: https://discord.gg/SZYMggge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aveaiofficial



Jonis Avohou

🚀 Brand Ambassador | Passionate about decentralised identity and blockchain technology | Content creator | Languages : French, English.