ICO marketing guide - Step 7: get article in premium publication

jon loflin
3 min readSep 8, 2017


ICO premium press article

So here we are : your white paper is perfect, your website is shining and you are discussing blockchain with every body you know, even the — numerous — ones who are listening just to be polite.

At this point you should be ready to clearly articulate the value of your project, the use of the token and how it may disrupt an entire industry vertical. The next step is one of the most important of all: get the cryto community, ICO funds and Whales investors to hear of about it and talk about it. The way to do so is to start with getting a premium article in a respected publication such as Forbes.com or Huffingtonpost.com.

You are trying to talk to crypto investors, why bother with general publication?

Yes, you are correct sir, your audience is crypto and ICO investors. What the average Joe thinks is irrelevant to a successful ICO … and yet you are wrong: In order to get ICO whales to have a good opinion about your project, you need them to be convinced that the token will appreciate, to do so they want to be convinced that your project will eventually have many users, and — yes— they will have that assurance if they read general publication over-simplify your blockchain project to squeeze it into something the masses can understand. It is sad but it is also true : in order to cater to crypto experts on cryptocurrencies subreddit, you need to simplify your speech for Forbes.

Ssponsored content on cryptoinsider.com good enough, no…?

NO! Do not pay for sponsored content ( i repeat , DO NOT pay for SPONSORED content). Don’t get me wrong, as you know i am all for paying for things and for efficiency, but the point is that sponsored content is counter-productive. Indeed, many ( not all, but many) large investors are used to looking at ICO projects and know by know that the ones who pay for sponsored contents are the ones who can’t get published. Be it because they don’t have the right connections or because their project is just not good enough, the point is that having a sponsored articles that starts with : “ this publication has been paid and does not represent the opinion of etc…” puts you exactly where you do not want to be: on large investors black list.

How to get published in Forbes?

Not easy, but here it is: do you know a journalist there? if you do stop reading and call him, blockchain is hot in the news and there is a chance he can squeeze you in. Most likely however you don’t. Then the way to go is to use publication brokers like cryptodistribution.com , they know journalists and will pitch them your project. You need to send them your website, some bullet points about your project and in a nutshell what a journalist can use to fill in the content he needs to write. He may need to get paid sure (only if artcile is published though!), but the point is he will write a real article on you that will fit into a story. And more importantly, it will get published as a normal press story about something cool: you.

And here you go, 2 weeks later you are on Forbes, get ready to distribute the news now ! See you next week for Chapter 8: distribution to ICO investors

