Video: 30 Days on the Camino de Santiago in One Minute

Jonathan Look
1 min readJun 6, 2016


This is short film I assembled from video and still images I shot with my iPhone 6S+ on the Camino de Santiago from St Jean Pier du Port, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain in May 2016. We had an amazing time on the “Way of Saint James” and I wanted to make an easy way to share it. I tried to choose two clips from each day and keep everything in sequential order. It was very difficult to choose which of the 2,000 of so images I shot over the 30 days and I often had to choose, not what I necessarily thought were the best images, but images that represented the trip. Naturally a lot of things were left out and there were of course many amazing moments I didn’t record.

Because we carried all of our own gear, we were very weight restricted and I didn’t bring along a DSLR or video camera. I actually think the iPhone did a very respectable job and I did very little editing other than assembling the clips.

There is a lot more information available at:

Originally published at



Jonathan Look

World traveler, adventurer, dilettante, enthusiast, photographer, writer, foodie, retiree. Blogging at