Understanding your worth and communicating it to others.

Jon Maliepaard
5 min readSep 30, 2016

It’s a common thing when a business starts up. You are hungry, you desperately need your first clients, and you are willing to do and say anything to get them. If you’ve ever started anything, you will get this. You need revenue to survive. The problem creeps in when this mindset doesn’t change. The message that you send to prospective clients is that you want their business above anything and you are willing to do just about anything to get it. They will sense this and use it against you.

This implied desperation comes in various forms, it could be relaxing payment terms, agreeing to do work that you have never done before, possibly doing some work for free, or allowing the client to offer no commitment for your services. These things all do one serious thing, they erode value. Why do you never see Louis Vuitton or Gucci on sale? For this very same reason. They never want to diminish the value of their brand. Going on sale would indicate they had product that wasn’t desirable or in surplus. Never.

Do you feel yourself constantly re-wording contracts and removing terms and conditions to close deals? Do you struggle to get people to pay you at the end of the month? These may all be indications of a messaging problem.

How to change Your Messaging
You need to stop, reflect and redefine the value of your offering. This is the message you need to send to prospects. Once you have finished explaining your offering, the prospect must have a value in their minds of what it…



Jon Maliepaard

Entrepreneur. Systems guy. #cycling #mtb #trail #running #cloud #porsche #productivity #ai #chatbots #automation