Three Imperatives for 2020 and One Wish

Jon Mertz
6 min readJan 14, 2020

Why policy, the middle, and future mindsets are necessary with a strong dash of outrage.

The 2020 predictions may not be past us. While it is interesting to read the different perspectives from individuals and publishers, too many of the predictions seem too biased in their direction. Giving predictions will contain a bias; it is the nature of the process. Rather than attempting predictions, my approach is to provide imperatives for 2020, plus one wish.

Imperatives already mean there is an individual bias, which I admit. Regardless, it would be exciting to see my selected imperatives become trends in 2020. After all, a lot is at stake in 2020, and we need at least three deep changes to take hold to get on a better track toward the future.

The Rise of Policymakers (and Policymaking)

If you watched or caught a clip of the impeachment hearings, you saw serious, intelligent, and forthright policymakers and diplomats discuss the reasons, challenges, and situations of policies. Being a policymaker is an essential role. While it always has been such, we have lessened the value of policymakers by forgoing policy discussions that lead to a better future.

A dictionary definition of policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a…



Jon Mertz

I am an experienced business leader and educator who challenges myself and others to lead more effectively and ethically in a complex and dynamic world.