My First 100 Days as a Web Developer

Jonni Lundy
3 min readMar 8, 2017

Last autumn, my life took an unexpected turn. I had just finished the majority of my undergraduate degree at The Master’s University that previous semester studying Communications, and I was taking my first dip into the ocean of adulthood. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I tried being my own boss as a wedding photographer. After about 2 months of loneliness, chaotic life structure, and stressful financial insecurity, I bailed. I knew I needed something else, but I had no idea what is was.

There weren’t too many companies that I knew of that I thought would have a position to fit my degree and experience. I had dabbled in a lot of things, but mastered very few.

I always liked the idea of working at a tech company so I reached out to one of my dorm-mate’s brothers who happened to be a recruiter at a company called Liferay. I found a position in Customer Care that used communication and people skills, so I pursued it. Long story short, they thought I would be a better fit as a Developer Advocate for an up-and-coming product called WeDeploy. They wanted me to start with a three-month internship to get my feet wet with coding. I said, “Why not!”, and there it began.

WeDeploy | Forget about infrastructure. Dedicate your time to what really matters: building great apps.

Web development had always been intriguing to me. My dad was a software engineer when I was little, and even though I was too young at the time to learn much from…

