Solidity + Web3.js = Ethereum DApp tutorial (using Vue?) — Part 2

A step by step tutorial to develop your first Ethereum Smart contract and interact with it through a simple web DApp + Vue.js bonus — Part 2

Jonny Fox
4 min readAug 30, 2022

This is the PART 2 of my article about Ethereum Solidity, Web3.js and DApp. In this article I will focus mainly on the development of Decentralized apps: if you missed it, check out PART ONE!!!

Traditional Apps vs Decentralized apps

Develop a DApp

To quickly develop the DApp and get immediate feedback, I thought about using a vanilla javascript script (plus some HTML); at the same time we will see how simple it can be to interact with a Smart contract.

So let’s create a folder for our very simple app: an index.html file that will act as the front page while invokeContract.js will collaborate with constants.js to interact with our first Smart contract.

PSSST: If you want to skip the content creation you can find the rest of the app (plus some bonus) at this GitHub repo 🎉

mkdir simpleHtml && cd simpleHtml

