Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious f*cking life?

Profane answers to a profound question*

Jonny Miller
1 min readDec 4, 2016


I want to live a fucking creative life.

TRADE expectations for appreciation,

ASK and live my own fucking questions.

MAKE more generous fucking assumptions.

INVITE uncertainty to the fucking dinner table.

SEEK out plenty of fucking excellent adventures,

AND be a scientist of my own fucking experience.

HAVE the courage to live inside the fucking arena.

BUILD pockets of stillness into every single fucking day.

WAKE UP each morning and fucking fall in love with the world.

LIVE as though my days were numbered… because they fucking are.

*with sincere apologies to Mary Oliver for butchering her smile-inducing and heart-achingly beautiful poem ‘The Summer Day’.



Jonny Miller

Cofounder @Maptia. Emotional Resilience coach. Meditation Teacher. TEDx Speaker and host of the Curious Humans Podcast.