Furries Are Amoral

Jonny Bryant Vinegar
2 min readOct 10, 2017


I know a lot of furries and some of them are good. I have a friend who’s furry is named Zest (@donleykogn on twitter) and he is great.

There are lots of furries who are also bad. These furries are disgusting and I do not wish them well at all and hope they go to hell. I am NOT going to draw a bad furry, nor will I give you an example of them, because I do not want to encourage GOOD people becoming corrupted by BAD people.

I think the furry on the left (above on mobile) is pretty cool, but I’m not a furry and while my tastes are pretty great from the perspective of an artist, I am not a furry and don’t share that perspective. If you’re a furry and you think this guy is good or bad let me know. There is no way I can determine if this furry is good or bad.

I hope you have learned a thing or two about furries today. Thanks for considering my thoughts and as always I hope you have a blessed week.

  • I would like to conclude that this was approved by a furry before posting. Thank you for your concerns.
  • Please follow me on the net at @jonnyvinegar on instagram and twitter
  • edit: i dont know why this is a bullet point list. i am okay with it because i think its funnier that way.

