Day One

Jonathan MacGregor
The Dieting Dev
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2019

Hi everyone and welcome to my first post on medium.

I am at the very beginning of my latest attempt at weight loss. I cannot say that I am any more determined than I was before, there have been recent issues with my health that lean me more toward losing weight than living that guilt free takeaway and constant binging lifestyle I have been living for so long. Those health issues include the fact I am considered as “almost diebetic”, my blood pressure is through the roof and I’m actually finding it somewhat difficult to live my life as I want to, and this is why, I need to change.

Unfortunately one of the downsides of being a PHP developer is that I spend most of my time sat on my ass coding. Whilst I really do enjoy doing this, getting up from my desk to do the simplest things as make a drink, go and talk to a fellow colleague and do normal day to day things is becoming more difficult. I used to drive a car and that has been a big change, from driving to work to walking to and from work every day and by the time I’ve got there, I’m knackered and ready to go home and go back to bed.

A little about myself, I’m Jonathan, I’m just shy of 32 years old coming up and as of today, I weigh 28 stone 4lbs. I live in Manchester not far from the city and my passion is learning, problem solving, back-end php development mainly using the Laravel framework. I’m a very enthusiastic person when I want to be, I’m a Man Utd supporter through and through and I’m pretty much a very easier person to get on with.

This is going to be the place where I write my inner most thoughts, details of how I’m getting on with the weight loss, perhaps some new tricks I learn whilst coding. But most of all, I’d like to be able to share my journey to provide inspiration to others who are in a similar position to myself.

The type of diet I’m starting is the Keto diet. My Dad and my brother are also doing this diet and I have seen first hand the results of their losses and they have provided massive inspiration for me. They have also shared their thoughts and feelings around the diet and what works and what doesn’t.

So, this week, I’m going to focus on that see how I get on, and provide an update on this as soon as I can and more information about the Keto diet.


