Why I Quit The News

Consider this if you think the world is falling apart

Chris Valdheims
5 min readDec 19, 2019
Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash

“If you wish to improve, be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.” -Epictetus

Something that I worry about that many of you will feel is nuts: parents driving their kids to school while bumping NPR or similar news stations. Nothing wrong with these noble journalistic institutions per se. I object to both parent and child being bombarded with a litany of hand-selected horrors from around the world.

These experiences leave one feeling anxious and powerless about things over which they have little influence. This might have been me, but early on, I chose to limit the news I receive.

I recommend that you do the same and try some alternative ways to participate in social or political events. I get into that at the end of this article.

Why I Quit The News — And Why You Should, Too

When I tell people that I don’t follow the news (although that’s not 100% accurate — see below), they react with a little bit of shock: “Don’t you want to stay informed? Don’t you have a responsibility to know what’s going on?”

Yes, I do want to stay informed. And yes, I do want to know what’s going on.

