Amazing Health Benefits of Sex

2 min readDec 9, 2019


Sexual activity can offer many surprising benefits to all facets of your life. Today JoolayLife is going to reveal surprising benefits of sex which will change your thoughts about sex forever. Let’s begin!

Increased sexuality

Sex gives you pleasure and this makes your body release the [P} hormone. Pheromones are chemicals that make other sex attracted towards you. The more you get intimate with your partner, the more pheromones are released from your body.

Menstrual relief

This is an incredible sex benefit which is females exclusive! Ladies, do you know that having sex in regularity can soothe you during periods. Those troublesome cramps are one of the seriously bad-ass things and every woman would escape them if they had a tip like this.

Better sleep

Oxytocin is the hormone which is produced during intercourse. It is a sense of relief and satisfaction. This hormone is activated in both men as well as women. In men it circulates during ejaculation and in a female it’s produced during an orgasm.Stressed out? Read these amazing everyday hacks to lower and eliminating stress!

Confidence booster

Sex releases good hormones in both male and female body and when you perform an intimate intercourse, the results are always awesome. The biggest benefit here is a sense of confidence which the couple experience after their mutual orgasms.

It preserves marriages

Believe it or not but medical sciences have proved that post-sex glow is the reason behind a strong bonding between the married couples. Men and women who don’t have a sexual bonding tend to be less attracted towards each other.

Discover 20 hidden benefits of sex for him and her!

Isn’t sex beyond just pleasure? Do comment below that do you think about health benefits of sex by JoolayLife!

Stay Healthy- Travel the world!

