Thank You Medium.

2 min readMar 11, 2016


I have a long way to go

This comes from an amateur writer (yes I know my place in the writer’s world).

No I’m not leaving Medium, instead I want to thank you for giving me an opportunity to read, rant, write, explore..whatever..with all the other writers in this platform . When I’m down in the dumps, kinda discouraged that my first post didn’t get published in HuffPost (you must think I’m joking right?), the writers here continue to inspire me to create and write.

Writing is never easy. I am not a gifted writer who has words flowing out continuously. After every sentence I will have to pause and revisit what I’ve written to see whether it makes sense, check for grammatical errors etc. That slows things down pretty much. And still I think it’s never a perfect piece.

I wonder can I really call myself a writer? I love writing and my husband thinks I’m quite good at it. Used to write eons ago, but a stable and demanding career denied me of time and desire to pursue this interest. Now after several ‘tragedies’ and change of seasons in life, I’m back. I may not have written enough to be called a writer but still I wanna thank Medium for giving me readership, however few it may be. I don’t have time to maintain a blog so this place pretty much allows me to start somewhere.

Call me insecure or immature but I’m affected by the number of views, reads and recommends. Every time I put my piece out here (well this is only the third one), I await with bated breath for the stats to change but who am I to expect much right? I wonder if I am the only person who checks the stats frequently. Am I the only one who keeps the Medium tab up on my web browser the whole day? Maybe it’s a newbie thing?

Hats off to all of you who constantly put your ideas and hearts out here and wherever, whose passion is not dictated by ‘likes’ alone, who hasn’t earn a single cent from writing, yet still continues after doors are slammed in your face. You’re my inspiration. I have a lot to learn from you guys. I have a long way to go.

Please enlighten me, share your perspectives, be critical, that would be incredibly helpful.




Unmet longings, unending sighs. Jaded yet still chasing the rainbow…occasionally. Thanks for stopping by and taking time to read my thoughts.