Embracing the Permanence of Temporary Solutions

3 min readNov 17, 2023


Have you ever found yourself in a predicament that required a quick fix, only to realize that the makeshift solution has become the status quo? It’s an age-old paradox: Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution. But why does this happen? And what does it tell us about human behavior and problem-solving? Let’s dive in.

Why Temporary Becomes Permanent

A crisis hits, and you devise a temporary solution, promising yourself you’ll revisit it when the storm has passed. Sounds familiar? However, once the urgency fades, it’s common for us to become complacent.

The band-aid solution seems to hold, and we feel less compelled to find a more lasting solution. This behavior can be explained by the law of inertia — an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.

Do you ever wonder why we are prone to taking the path of least resistance?

The Comfort of Familiarity

Humans are creatures of habit. We seek comfort in what is familiar and predictable. In the face of a crisis, a temporary solution provides an immediate relief, but it can quickly become our comfort zone, particularly if the problem no longer feels urgent.

A study by researchers at Duke University found that more than 40% of the actions people performed each day were not due to decision making but out of habit. So, a quick fix that initially acted as a survival strategy can easily become the default, a new habit.

Rethinking Temporary Solutions

But is this inherently a bad thing? Not necessarily! Yes, relying on temporary solutions can occasionally lead to problems in the long term. However, sometimes, what starts as a stopgap can evolve into a brilliant, innovative solution.

For instance, let’s consider the famous case of the Eiffel Tower. Originally intended to be a temporary exhibit for the 1889 Exposition Universelle, it was supposed to be dismantled after 20 years. However, due to its utility as a radio transmission tower and the eventual cultural significance it acquired, it was spared. Today, it stands as a cherished symbol of France, illustrating that a temporary solution can sometimes transform into a lasting masterpiece.

Isn’t it fascinating how a temporary solution can morph into a permanent fixture?

Embracing the Permanence

So, how can we leverage this understanding to our advantage? It’s simple. By accepting that temporary solutions tend to stick around, we can approach them more thoughtfully.

When faced with a crisis, rather than applying a hasty band-aid, pause and ponder. Design your temporary solution as if it may become permanent. By doing this, you embrace the possibility of permanence from the outset, increasing the likelihood that your solution will serve you well in the long run.

Are you ready to reconsider the way you approach temporary solutions?

Turning the Temporary into a Triumph

It’s time to shatter the old adage that a job done quickly is a job done poorly. Instead, see the opportunity for innovation in temporary solutions. Aim to create stopgap measures that are efficient, effective, and potentially valuable in the long term. After all, necessity is the mother of invention, and a crisis necessitates quick solutions!

So, remember, nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution. Let this not be a warning but an invitation — an invitation to innovate, to reimagine, and to turn a temporary fix into a lasting success.

Are you ready to turn your temporary solutions into permanent triumphs? Trust me, once you adopt this perspective, you’ll not only survive crises but also thrive in their aftermath.

