$1 Million Agency

Jordan M
1 min readJan 16, 2023


What just happened, it seems last time I was blogging here I had some more free time. I’ve quit the company I was working at so now I am back.

I’m excited to stay behind my computer and be fluid in what I do with my day. I’ve recently moved into my mates garage that has a nice bathroom and kitchenette. Welcome to the batcave.

Said friend has a pest control company that can generate well over $100k in 1 month purely from ads. Strange, I do ads!

I figure I can manage 10 clients on my own at 2k per client. That’s 20k per month and an annual income of 240k not bad.

To go further than this I am going to have to build a team of experts to manage the accounts or go after accounts that can give me 10k+ a month. The goal is about 80k per month.

This will give me the captial I need to have a go at the web3 and Augmented Reality tidal wave that is incoming. I want to be able to speak to the chain and pull user purchases so I can make customized rewards programs for business in an evergrowing ecosystem that end game, ends up being an integrated all in one ar app that tells people how to optimise their time.

I need to learn more about AI, the AI exponential is ramping up, why learn any hard skills when AI can do it for you, the time for creative ideas and project management has come.

